We started with a bike ride to Civic Park and attended the Memorial Day Celebration where the Lt. Governor spoke, the veterans were all recognized, and a band played American music.
We walked across the street to see them lay wreaths for our two Walnut Creek fallen soldiers and it was very moving. It was sad, but good, having the kids see the families left behind, so they could realize the ultimate sacrifices that had been made. It is so hard to help them understand how blessed we are and why we have the freedom that we enjoy.
The guys all got hair cuts and I rode with the girls to Safeway, where we had a picnic lunch in front of the store at some little tables. Then of course, since we were so close, we had to ride our bikes to Gelato Naia for dessert.
This is seriously as good as the gelato we had all over Italy! 
They have the BEST, REAL ITALIAN, gelato! We rode our bikes home, then of course we had to take advantage of the Memorial Day sales, so we took Alaina's friend with us to the mall. And then, of course we had to hurry home to get Cabo so he could come with us to our next stop of the day...a fun Heather Farms picnic with friends.
(if anyone can show me how to keep my pictures from deleting, I'd be most grateful...there were a lot more people at the picnic than these three darling kids!)
Cabo loved being the center of attention, aside from a little friend trying to "ride the horse". And, of course, at the end of the day, we had to take him to the dog park.
I am glad it was such a beautiful day and so grateful that we finally celebrated it right.
I am proud to be an American!