I can't believe my baby is 9!! He is the best snuggler when no one is looking, otherwise, I don't exist...already.
Sometimes Ryan can be a little "half-empty" so I guess this was one of those days.
Favorite Song: I hate music
Favorite Food: Pizza
Morning or Night: Night
Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner: Lunch
Favorite Sport: Football
Read or Sleep: Read
Favorite thing to do: I don't have a favorite thing because I don't like much.
He later said his favorite thing to do is play football.
Ellie, too, is a cup half full kind of girl. They make for funny kids, don't they? I love that Ryan "doesn't like much," about once a week as I put Ellie to bed she tells me that she has had they worst day ever.3344wsa
Riley put his head on the keyboard and made that funny number word.
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