When we lived in New Jersey a girl in my Primary class cut off her super long hair and donated it to Locks of Love, where they make wigs for cancer patients who have lost their hair. I thought she was so brave! A few years after we moved to California I noticed how long our girls' hair had gotten and thought of Locks of Love. I put out a challenge "I will if you will" to Alaina and Becca, knowing they wouldn't do it. But, they said okay! So, we went to a hair salon and Alaina went first. The lady wasn't very nice and scared Becca so we left with just one hair cut. I took Becca somewhere else the next day and she got hers cut. Then I realized I had to get mine cut quick or I'd chicken out. I called my friend that cuts my hair who told me she was booked but when I begged her she agreed to cut it in her garage that day (it was a good cause, after all!)
March 2009
Four years later I talked Becca into doing it again when I realized how long our hair had grown. Alaina decided not to it this time, and I couldn't blame her...hair is really important when you are 12!

October 2010
A while ago I learned that it takes 3 heads of hair to make a wig so I decided that I wanted to donate one more time, even though I knew the hair wouldn't be used together since I sent it right away each time. So, I didn't get it cut for a year and a half and it grew long enough to chop the last 10 inches (their minimum donation). This time Becca and Alaina both said no. I was in a hurry because I am not yet grey and didn't want to donate grey hair! I have a feeling it is coming soon.
In explaining to the kids why I did it (everyone knows I hate my hair short) I told them it was the least I could do to help someone who couldn't do this for themselves. There isn't much we can physically do to help someone with cancer and I have a lot of friends who are or have been afflicted, so I just wanted to do something. It's a small thing, but I hope I taught my kids a good lesson. And my hair will always grow back.