The Physician's Assistant drew a picture of my problem (Femoro Acetabular Impingement and a torn Labrum)
I can't remember when my hips haven't hurt...maybe 20 years last year I finally went in for an MRI and my doctor discovered the cause of the pain. And the pysical therapist assured me that everyone does not have pain all the time. I just figured everyone felt like I did! So, after much stalling and pushing back, I am having surgery tomorrow. Yuck. I know it will hurt much more than it does now for a few months, then it will feel much better, so it will be worth it. But, I am not looking forward to the 3-6 month recovery.
If there is anything I can help with, please let me know!!!
We'll include you in our prayers! Surgery is no fun, but you have a good attitude--think of the future! :) Isn't that funny when we assume certain things are normal, when in fact, we actually have problems. You are an amazing person, and then to deal with that pain all the time--WOW. Kudos to you, as usual!! :)
smooches! I'll make it over soon I hope!
I feel for you. Hip surgery is no stroll in the park, but it's for a good cause. Just get that RC helicopter to fly from your bedside and you'll be fine! Oxycodone helps, too.
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