She's gone. Well, not

gone, but away for a week. Every year the 5th graders at Indian Valley go to Camp Loma Mar in Half Moon Bay for "Environmental Camp". Since Andy and Alaina already went a few years ago, I wasn't really thinking about how Becca's absence would effect me. We wrote letters to her that she'll get daily, but other than that there is no parental interaction allowed. They have camp staff and the teachers stay for the
week also, but the kids can't call home and we can't visit. So, for five days they indoctrinate your child on how to save trees (no paper towels, sparing use of toilet paper, and NO real Christmas trees, etc.) and for five days you have one less child at home.
Becca has always been what people call a "firecracker" or "sparkplug". She is such a great helper and makes friends every where she goes. I love her infectious giggle and that we can have fun doing the silliest things together. (Like running on a mad dash through Target!) Often she leaves notes from a magic elf that the dishwasher has been unloaded or some things have been put away...I miss that, too! Becca has always had a mischievous sparkle in her eyes, just like my dad, and you know something is going to be entertaining if she is involved in it.
So, tomorrow Becca comes home and I will be so happy to see her. I can't wait for her eyes to light up when she sees the REAL Christmas tree, all decorated and ready for the holidays. More on that in the next post.