Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Popcorn Tooth
First Day of School Traditions

We always go to out for ice cream after the first day of school. The kids pick Baskin Robbins because they have the best flavors, like rockin' pop swirl and pink bubblegum. I like the old standbys: pralines n' cream and chocolate n' peanut butter. I always ask the kids to tell me their 3 greats and today, on the first day of school, this is what they said:
Andy: ______ is in two classes.
I am buddies with ______ in math.
All of my teachers are excellent so far, although last year I thought ______ was sweet until she turned sour.
Alaina: How many times to I have to tell you, I don't have any greats?!! Do I look like I am 7?!!
Becca: I survived.
Home-ec looks like it's going to be fun.
I have classes with my friends.
Ryan: I like Mr. Allen.
I like the kids in my class.
We did name art.
After they tell me their greats, they can tell me a bad if they have one (the greats have to be first because sometimes they make the bad go away.)
Andy and Ryan didn't have bads, but Alaina and Becca did.
Becca: I got soup for lunch and the styrofoam tray broke while I was walking, so it spilled all over my friend. (that is a real bad...)
Alaina: My teachers are worse than last year. (I think she was just tired!)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Back To School
This year the kids seemed more ready to go back to school than usual. I wanted to park and walk Ryan in, but he calmly slipped out of the car and ran off to the playground, clearly needing no assistance from me. Then I took Andy to his first day of High School where an unhelpful person told us that because of funding cuts he wouldn't be able to have a 7th period, which essentially means he has early dismissal. When I asked if there was something we could do, she told us Andy could do community service with the extra hours. Like watering the little oak seedlings with the City Council in the open space wasn't enough. And helping friends pack for a move. And the 11 hours he spent in two days at Buena Vista Elementary and Grammercy House volunteering. Yes, he knows all about service and helping others...and now all he wants is an academic that too much to ask? Apparently so. I left and he still has 6 periods. Oh well. Cabo and I walked Alaina and Becca to Middle School, where Alaina immediately went off to find her friends and Becca went to her homeroom door to be ready and found some friends waiting their too. I debated going home to take a nap (haha), but did my visiting teaching (I love you, Emily) and did Room Parent stuff for IV, and ran errands, and was nearly late for pick up. Never enough hours.
New Blog Name?
Monday, August 24, 2009
Most Requested Recipe: TWIX!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wild Turkeys!
This morning I took Ryan to golf at 6:30, then I took Dave to BART and this is what I came home to...wild turkeys in my driveway! There were 9 of them, just gobbling their way through our yard. They are a little early for dinner.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Summer at Northstar-at-Tahoe
The next day we went to the Lake and walked around in the sand. We met a guy with a metal detector and Ryan was fascinated. He found a few pennies and some pull taps with his gadget; I, however, of the 20/15 laser surgery, found 2 dimes and a 50 cent piece! The kids found lots of sea glass to make pendants for their beadery.
We went to Old Greenwood Country Club and played tennis. From an earlier post you may remember that it took Ryan and I about an hour to get 6 hits in a row. He reminded me of that and said he wanted to do it again. So Dave and the girls played and Ryan and I took about 20 minutes to get our 6 hits. Dave and I switched so I had a turn to hit with the girls who said I didn't do it right. Then I glanced over to the other court just in time to see Ryan hit the 13th consecutive ball! I think they ended up with a 21 hit rally. Hmmm...maybe it's me! There was a great playground there and we had to drag the kids away.
After Dave and I had a great dinner at the Chocolate Bar (yes, you read that right) we brought the kids with us to watch the original Bad News Bears on a huge outdoor screen with hot chocolate.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Earthquakes vs DC United